Is praising necessarily singing?
Examining worship responses in Revelation
Do you know what you believe? Are you grounded in the knowledge and understanding of your faith? Our faith is not blind and unfounded. Rather, it is rooted in a Person Who brings all things from the darkness into light. Every once in a while...
How can you get out of the mental pit you’re in? If you do what Riley Clemmons did, you’ll get away with God and focus on HIS plans to strengthen you. Riley’s song, “Loved By You,” inspired me to spend some time in...
While our feelings are not reliable, solid evidence of God, the evidence of God in our lives has the power to impact our feelings. That’s what Caleb & John are singing about in their song “Hallelujah Feeling.” The Holy Spirit...
In the beginning. These are the first words of two chapters of the Bible—one in the Old Testament and one in the New. These are also the opening lyrics to Anna Miriam Brown’s song “Was The Word” from her musical His Story The...
Welcome to Friday With Friends! I have the distinct privilege of meeting incredible followers of Christ who have amazing ministries, fascinating careers, and incredible hobbies and pet projects that flow out of their identity in Christ. While my...
There is comfort and conviction in the idea that we are perfectly loved by God. We can learn about God’s perfect love in Scripture and then use Rachael Lampa’s song “Perfectly Loved” to remind us of what we’ve studied...
The original creation had a purpose that was marred and derailed by sin. Scripture teaches in Christ, we are a new creation. Mac Powell sings of it in his song, “New Creation.” It’s the perfect song to launch into God’s Word...
Sometimes Christians say things that are meant to be a comfort to others but aren’t theologically sound. Shocking, I know. Some of my favorite videos to watch are when the guest has to guess if it’s something that comes from the Bible or...