The best way to explore deeper water fast is to dive in. You would never dive in the shallows — that’s dangerous. There’s no place to dive in the shallows. You can pretty much see everything from the surface. But God calls us to...
I think it’s an excellent problem to have. The problem that Zach Bolen, lead singer of Citizens, shared with me as the foundation for the song “Everything And More” by Citizens. The problem is that words don’t seem to express...
There are truths in Scripture that make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we don’t think they make sense. Other times they bump up against a belief we hold that doesn’t align with Scripture itself. Riley Clemmons’ song...
If the gospel message were a song, it would be “Thank You Jesus For The Blood” by Charity Gayle. The good news is that Christ’s sacrifice covers our sins offering us eternal salvation. Join me as we explore the Day of Atonement in...
We are the workmanship of a creative God. Our new lives in Christ are supposed to mean something. We are called to walk in a manner worthy of the calling on our lives, and God planned out the good works for us to walk in. Taylor Leonhardt’s...
It doesn’t matter how thick the walls are to us; it only matters how thick the walls are to God. When Andrew Ripp sings of our fears coming down like Jericho walls in his song “Jericho,” I was inspired to study the story leading up...
How does God do “new” things? What does it mean that He makes all things new? These are the questions I asked myself inspired by Big Daddy Weave’s song, “All Things New.” Join me on a discovery tour from Old to New...
What if you could have that ONE relationship where, no matter how bad you mess things up, the other One won’t let go? Our Heavenly Father offers us that stability and consistency we desperately want. Let’s learn more about our Father...
There’s a great invitation in Scripture. It’s sprinkled throughout the pages of the Bible in the Old and New Testaments. The invitation is to walk in the newness of life in our Creator’s very presence and direct opposition to our...
Stale. Fake. Dead. Dying. Faded. Worthless. Delusional. There are all kinds of hope in this world, but believers in Christ are born again into a living hope. Phil Wickham’s song “Living Hope” leads us straight to Scripture, where...