I know sometimes it’s easy to think the division of our day has never happened before. As Ecclesiastes teaches us, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Mike Donehey sings about being “All Together” in his new song. I...
There’s a great invitation in Scripture. It’s sprinkled throughout the pages of the Bible in the Old and New Testaments. The invitation is to walk in the newness of life in our Creator’s very presence and direct opposition to our...
As a Christ-follower, it is my privilege to make much of God. My feelings, thoughts, and life should reflect Him and give evidence of His supreme greatness. That is, my life should magnify Christ, just like Cody Carnes sings about in his song...
There are times in life with something Scripture teaches smacks you right in the face and causes you to sit up and pay attention. When I was growing up in church people would say the pastor was “stepping on their toes” in a sermon. The...
No matter what, once you truly belong to Jesus, you are HIS, and if you are HIS you will remain HIS. This does not mean a perfect life, but one that is marked with evidence and imperfect progress walking in newness of life and not returning to a...
The new, fun song “Grace Got You” by MercyMe describes a person who has been taken over by grace and thus acts differently, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Isn’t that what grace does for us? It changes us and then gives us...
“Get dressed,” I tell my youngest. “Where are your shoes? Do you have your jacket?” And so the conversation goes. I have a feeling God is asking me, “Where are your shoes? I told you to put on the WHOLE armor! Your...