I’m inspired by the music that is inspired by the Word. This week’s song by Jeremy Camp, “Dead Man Walking,” is no exception. Where does Jeremy Camp get the idea that he was a dead man walking until he was a man walking with...
It’s easy to believe that a traumatic event can be the end of your story. It often feels very much like the end. Tauren Wells’ song, “God’s Not Done With You,” reminds us that God is not done writing your story. There...
Don’t look back. Eliminate any possibility of retreat. That’s the message of For King and Country’s song, “Burn the Ships,” and that is the message of Paul to the Philippians. The new life set out before you and the...
Helen Keller once said, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” This quote has been...
Have you ever read about people who have been given a new lease on life? Perhaps it was a medical breakthrough or second chance, but their lives changed completely. These examples pale in comparison to what happens when we are made alive with Christ...
“Nobody loves me like you” is a simple phrase, but hold profound truth when we consider the love God has for us. We can never plumb the depths of God’s love, but it’s worth considering the details we can uncover in Scripture...
I dropped a glass casserole lid on my tile kitchen floor the other day. It shattered into a host of small pieces. I’m still finding pieces of glass here and there. There’s a difference between being broken and shattered. Shattered seem...
The red letters in our Bibles highlight the words of Christ. In Crowder’s new song “Red Letters” he sings of the power of those words to change our hearts as the Holy Spirit breathes life into our spiritually dead bodies. There are...
Do you ever feel like you are drowning with seaweed wrapped around your head? It’s a pretty descriptive picture of distress that I see in Scripture AND in Avril Lavigne’s new song, “Head Above Water.” When we’re...
What we believe matters. It will impact how we think and how we live. In the song titled “The Way” by Pat Barrett, he sings of a fundamental belief that Christians hold — that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. As we...