As our trust in the Lord grows, our patience grows. We can rest in His timing because we can point to God’s faithfulness repeatedly in the accounts recorded in His Word. Not only that, but we have our own experiences we can point to in our own...
There is a difference between optimism and hope that is displayed in the Bible. Before the birth of Christ, there was a tension in the waiting as all of creation anticipated the coming Messiah. Because of Jesus, we live in an age of hope. Building...
I had a conversation with a friend this week. She described herself as “full up.” I get it. This year isn’t cutting any of us any breaks, is it? It keeps pouring out the stress, and we’re “full up.” What we need...
When we declare our praises to God it impacts our own heart AND acts as a testimony to the world around us. Phil Wickham’s song “Great Things” echoes another song in the Bible. It’s a song that is part of a longer...
When my daughter was in driver’s education, I experienced something first hand…you steer where you stare. As you become a more seasoned driver you may be able to take your eyes off of the road and not immediately swerve, but you cannot...
Loneliness may be a time when we long to huddle close to to the love of God. We Are Messengers sings a message from God to the lonely in their song “Love.” The apostle John issues a challenge to believers when it comes to the love of God...
What constitutes a miracle to you? How about raising a dead man to life? Of course! Did you know that miracle is available to us as well? That’s what Lauren Daigle sings about in her song, “Still Rolling Stones.” We learn straight...
We live in the now and the not yet. So many promises of God are available to us now, but will be completely fulfilled in the future promise of the new heavens and new earth. Elevation Worship sings of God’s ultimate triumph in their song...
There are times in life with something Scripture teaches smacks you right in the face and causes you to sit up and pay attention. When I was growing up in church people would say the pastor was “stepping on their toes” in a sermon. The...
We are a people in need of rescuing. Praise God that He has already provided our Rescuer! Zach Williams sings of this in his song, “Rescue Story.” It leads us to explore another rescue story in Scripture that whispers the name of Jesus...