I miss the wonders of God all the time. I tend to be so self-involved that I fail to look up and behold the majesty of the One who loves me so much He redeemed me. “I Stand In Awe” by Christ Tomlin and Nicole Serrano inspires me to...
I love to talk about Jesus. There’s a lot to say about Him. If we spent our entire lives plumbing the depths of Scripture, we would never come to an end. This is why I love Anne Wilson’s new song, “My Jesus.” She gives me a...
While we may not be able to choose happiness, we can choose joy. We can choose joy because it’s not rooted in our circumstances or feelings but rather the truth of Who God is and who we are in Him. “Joyful” by Dante Bowe is a fun...
It’s easy to get swept away by our emotions when our environment changes. Circumstances don’t change God, but they may reveal Him to us in new ways. When We Are Messengers sing “Come What May,” I am reminded that I can rely...
There is a difference between complaining and lament. While bringing our complaints to the Father is part of the pattern of lament we discover in Scripture, it doesn’t end there. Alisa Turner offers us a song of lament similar in pattern to...
The Bible may be comprised of 66 books by 40 writers over 1,500 years, but it has one Author (God) and offers a grand storyline running throughout. In the song “Christ The True And Better” by Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Boswell, and...
Occasionally, I enjoy a few (or a bag) of Oreos. While they are enjoyable, they are not nourishing. The hymns of old are full of rich, nourishing doctrines that help form a strong foundation for the believer. This week, I use Rend Collective’s...
Are you in need of a fight song these days? The struggle is real, but it’s not against who you might think. “Stand My Ground,” a new song by Zach Williams, is a great anthem for your playlist, but it points to truths more...
We spend a lot of time celebrating Jesus at Christmastime. Easter doesn’t have as much secular fanfare, and one reason may be that Easter forces us to answer hard questions about who Jesus is and who we are. In fact, Aaron Shust’s song...
As a Christ-follower, it is my privilege to make much of God. My feelings, thoughts, and life should reflect Him and give evidence of His supreme greatness. That is, my life should magnify Christ, just like Cody Carnes sings about in his song...