Putting first things first is a habit of highly effective people. But what are the “first things” for a follower of Christ? How does God rank the things you should be prioritizing above others? Let’s allow Scripture to mold how we...
I love singing God’s Words back to Him. That’s why Matt Maher’s song “The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)” is on my playlist! But the real joy for me was diving into Scripture inspired by this song. There’s...
It’s a new year, and God longs for you to sit with Him in His Word. He wants to reveal Himself to you. He wants to unveil the mystery of His plan for His chosen people. God wants you to desire Him above all else. And He wants you to look like...
There is such a sense of expectancy in the Christmas season. We hope our gifts for others are “just right,” we hope everyone gets along at our various gatherings, we hope to make lasting and meaningful memories, and sometimes we hope for...
Did you notice Him there? God keeps showing up even in the most tragic of circumstances. As Toby Mac and Blessing Offor sing, He truly is “The Goodness” in our lives. His goodness is so profound, however, that the Hebrew word for it is...
The rule and reign of Christ will never end. Local Sound sings about this when they declare the faithfulness of our “King through all the ages” in their song “Time And Time Again.” Explore Scripture with me this week as learn...
There are truths in Scripture that make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we don’t think they make sense. Other times they bump up against a belief we hold that doesn’t align with Scripture itself. Riley Clemmons’ song...
What constitutes a miracle to you? How about raising a dead man to life? Of course! Did you know that miracle is available to us as well? That’s what Lauren Daigle sings about in her song, “Still Rolling Stones.” We learn straight...
When Brandon Heath sings of days getting dark and life getting hard in his song “See Me Through It,” I immediately thought of Habakkuk and the national crisis during his time. The darkness and injustice of his time can be seen in our...
Does the idea of trembling before the Lord inspire you or make you feel uncomfortable? Lauren Daigle’s song “Tremble” inspired me to explore where people are described as trembling before the Lord. Spoiler alert: It should inspire...