What does Scripture say about the house of the Lord? That’s what I set out to discover with Phil Wickham’s new song, “House Of The Lord,” playing in the background. The answer weaves through the Old and New Testaments. We...
I miss the wonders of God all the time. I tend to be so self-involved that I fail to look up and behold the majesty of the One who loves me so much He redeemed me. “I Stand In Awe” by Christ Tomlin and Nicole Serrano inspires me to...
What does Scripture say about the house of the Lord? That’s what I set out to discover with Phil Wickham’s new song, “House of the Lord,” playing in the background. The answer weaves through the Old and New Testaments. We...
The Bible may be comprised of 66 books by 40 writers over 1,500 years, but it has one Author (God) and offers a grand storyline running throughout. In the song “Christ The True And Better” by Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Boswell, and...
I dropped a glass casserole lid on my tile kitchen floor the other day. It shattered into a host of small pieces. I’m still finding pieces of glass here and there. There’s a difference between being broken and shattered. Shattered seems...
Happy New Year! Each new year brings with it an opportunity to set new goals and consider what your focus will be before life gets in the way. Kings Kaleidoscope has a song set to the tune of the traditional New Year’s song “Auld Lang Syne...
Sitting in a dark room, even the flame from the smallest candle can invade. No wonder Isaiah describes the impact of Christ on our dark world as a “great light.” Inspired by We The Kingdom’s song “Light of the World,” I...
Joseph was faced with a life-altering, gut-wrenching situation, yet he didn’t question when God spoke. Rather, Joseph trusted and obeyed. for King & Country inspired me to ponder the details of Joseph in the Christmas account through their...
Do you know what God is famous for? I mean, can you describe some of the wondrous deeds of the Lord that He is most famous for? Tauren Wells sings out a list in his song “Famous For (I Believe).” Being able to remember and recount the...
Forrest Gump’s mama said, “Life’s like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get!” And while that may be true, 2020 has turned into a big bite of cocoa powder. We had great hopes and expectations...