Our hope in the Lord is that He will draw near to us if we draw near to Him (see James 4:8). Seph Schlueter sings about drawing near to God in his song “Running Back to You.” But the song made me ask, “How do we get so far from God...
Is praising necessarily singing?
We can take God at His Word because Jesus did.
The enemy of our souls has many names in Scripture. One verse often attributed to him describes him as a thief. Tauran Wells, in his new song “Take It All Back,” declares he’s taking back what the enemy stole. That thief’s...
Examining worship responses in Revelation
"Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. As an author, content creator, mentor, and coach -- everything that comes out of my mouth, all day long, is a reflection of what's inside my heart."
A few years ago, my daughter raided our closet for a “vintage” windbreaker set for 90’s day during Homecoming week at school. (Don’t judge. I can’t be the only one who hordes old clothes.) While I hope color-blocking...
I love a good play on words. When you do a quick Google search of grave robbers, you discover it’s a worldwide phenomenon usually perpetrated to take and profit from valuable artifacts or personal property. Crowder’s song “Grave Robber”...
I need the reminder. I need the nudge. I get discouraged and feel the temptation to stop asking God for his __________________ (you fill in the blank). Matthew West exhorts us toward something the Bible says: “Don’t Stop Praying.”...
While our feelings are not reliable, solid evidence of God, the evidence of God in our lives has the power to impact our feelings. That’s what Caleb & John are singing about in their song “Hallelujah Feeling.” The Holy Spirit...