Joseph was faced with a life-altering, gut-wrenching situation, yet he didn’t question when God spoke. Rather, Joseph trusted and obeyed. for King & Country inspired me to ponder the details of Joseph in the Christmas account through their...
Is it possible to actively serve Christ and miss Him all at the same time? It sure is! I don’t want to miss Him, though. Cody Carnes’ song, “Nothing Else,” inspired me to consider what it looks like to sit at the feet of...
I need a reset sometimes. Instead of looking at myself, I need to look up. Perhaps when I do, I can reset my perspective as I consider God’s greatness and my insignificance in comparison to Him. And yet, as NEEDTOBREATHE sings about in...
Our world is full of “that may be true for you, but not for me” conversations. However, when it comes to God, His characteristics don’t change based on my perception of them. In their new song, “Who You Are To Me,”...
When we declare our praises to God it impacts our own heart AND acts as a testimony to the world around us. Phil Wickham’s song “Great Things” echoes another song in the Bible. It’s a song that is part of a longer...
I recently read, “One danger of the internet is the temptation to constantly be everywhere except where we are.” How do we stay in the moment? Jeremy Camp sings of this in his song “Keep Me in the Moment.” My preferred method...
When my daughter was in driver’s education, I experienced something first hand…you steer where you stare. As you become a more seasoned driver you may be able to take your eyes off of the road and not immediately swerve, but you cannot...
I love songs that sing Scripture word-for-word. Elevation Worship does just that with their song “The Blessing.” It takes us straight to Numbers 6 where we have an opportunity to really soak in God’s Word. Let’s meditate on...
God is unlimited in His resources. I know this in my head, but for some reason I believe the lie that He will limit His mercy to me. As if one day I will reach my limit and get cut off. Micah Tyler in his song “New Today” reminds us of...
Today has not caught God off-guard. No matter the circumstance you find yourself in, He’s already there and He already knows what will happen next. JJ Heller’s new song, “You Already Know,” reminds us of God’s...