While we may not be able to choose happiness, we can choose joy. We can choose joy because it’s not rooted in our circumstances or feelings but rather the truth of Who God is and who we are in Him. “Joyful” by Dante Bowe is a fun...
What if you could have that ONE relationship where, no matter how bad you mess things up, the other One won’t let go? Our Heavenly Father offers us that stability and consistency we desperately want. Let’s learn more about our Father...
It’s easy to get swept away by our emotions when our environment changes. Circumstances don’t change God, but they may reveal Him to us in new ways. When We Are Messengers sing “Come What May,” I am reminded that I can rely...
There is a difference between complaining and lament. While bringing our complaints to the Father is part of the pattern of lament we discover in Scripture, it doesn’t end there. Alisa Turner offers us a song of lament similar in pattern to...
Sometimes, my grandmother bemoans the repetition in contemporary worship songs. Once, she mentioned she felt like the worship team might just “sing of your love forever”…forever. I’m pretty sure she’ll excuse the repetition...
Let’s develop a sense of wonder, shall we? The famous hymn “How Great Thou Art” makes us consider God with a sense of “awesome wonder.” I chose Carrie Underwood’s rendition to meditate on Psalm 145. David sat in...
We spend a lot of time celebrating Jesus at Christmastime. Easter doesn’t have as much secular fanfare, and one reason may be that Easter forces us to answer hard questions about who Jesus is and who we are. In fact, Aaron Shust’s song...
A critical question is posed by an imposing angel in the throne room of God described in the book of Revelation, “Who is worthy to open the scroll?” Meredith Andrew’s song “Who Could” reminds us of this question, and...
It doesn’t matter how thick the walls are to us; it only matters how thick the walls are to God. When Andrew Ripp sings of our fears coming down like Jericho walls in his song “Jericho,” I was inspired to study the story leading up...
Here are a few resources I use in storing up God’s Word in my heart. I sprinkle them throughout my podcast episodes, but I thought this would be a great time to put them all down in a list. In fact, you can download a free pdf with live links...