We are the workmanship of a creative God. Our new lives in Christ are supposed to mean something. We are called to walk in a manner worthy of the calling on our lives, and God planned out the good works for us to walk in. Taylor Leonhardt’s...
It doesn’t matter how thick the walls are to us; it only matters how thick the walls are to God. When Andrew Ripp sings of our fears coming down like Jericho walls in his song “Jericho,” I was inspired to study the story leading up...
The symbols of Christmas have become the traditions of Christmas — traditions like an evening drive to see grand light displays. When you hear a song like “Christmas Lights” by Love & the Outcome, allow it to point your heart...
Many of the details of Christmas get embellished, altered, or even left out of our traditional scenes, songs, and readings. Keith and Kristyn Getty, along with Ellie Holcomb, sing a song, “Elizabeth,” that inspired me to dive into the...
When an obscure passage is brought to light in the lyrics of a song, it gives us an excellent reason to engage in areas of Scripture we may have overlooked for a while. Elevation Worship’s song “RATTLE!” refers to the bones of a...
There is an account in the Bible of Jesus speaking to the wind and waves and calming them down. This idea often makes its way into our prayers and songs — not unlike Jeremy Camp’s song, “When You Speak.” I think it deserves a...
What kinds of choices do you make in the face of fear? Building 429’s song “Fear No More” is an anthem born out of a personal time when fear led the songwriters to seek God. There’s a king in Scripture who faced fear more...
There is a magical and terrifying place described in Scripture. It is the throne room of heaven where fantastical creatures proclaim the holiness of God, and crowned elders fall at His feet in worship. Influence Music’s song “Glory...
I love to talk about Jesus. There’s a lot to say about Him. If we spent our entire lives plumbing the depths of Scripture, we would never come to an end. This is why I love Anne Wilson’s new song, “My Jesus.” She gives me a...
While we may not be able to choose happiness, we can choose joy. We can choose joy because it’s not rooted in our circumstances or feelings but rather the truth of Who God is and who we are in Him. “Joyful” by Dante Bowe is a fun...