How can you step out in obedience regardless of limited understanding, especially when the road ahead looks barren and dry? That’s what Casting Crowns sings about in their song “Desert Road” and also what Philip the Evangelist had...
Welcome to Friday With Friends! I have the distinct privilege of meeting incredible followers of Christ who have amazing ministries, fascinating careers, and incredible hobbies and pet projects that flow out of their identity in Christ. While my...
What is your natural response to the love, power, and glory of God? Do your lips exclaim hallelujah? Do you sing with joy? Do you praise with a heart of gratitude? That’s what Brandon Lake’s song “Gratitude” leads us to do...
As believers, our position in Christ and the family of God changes everything. We have been transformed; who we were before is not who we are now. But did you know what we will be is not who we are now? I was inspired by Ben Fuller’s song...
There is comfort and conviction in the idea that we are perfectly loved by God. We can learn about God’s perfect love in Scripture and then use Rachael Lampa’s song “Perfectly Loved” to remind us of what we’ve studied...
One of the main reasons listeners give for not reading the Bible for themselves is distraction. I’m right there with you. I can’t tell you the number of times I pick up my phone to do something, and my notifications send me off on the...
It’s a new year, and God longs for you to sit with Him in His Word. He wants to reveal Himself to you. He wants to unveil the mystery of His plan for His chosen people. God wants you to desire Him above all else. And He wants you to look like...
During the Christmas season, it’s easy to think the story of Christ begins at His birth. The truth is that Jesus is eternal, and His role in humanity and creation is worth meditating on. Michael W. Smith’s song “God With God”...
When Ben Fuller sings, “Making my Father proud looks a whole lot different now” in his new song “Proud,” he is ripping pages out of my story and laying them bare. I spent a lot of energy trying to please earthly men. What I...
There’s a phrase in the lyrics of Phil Wickham’s song “Hymn Of Heaven” that comes directly from Revelation — “death will be no more.” There are many things we don’t know about the new heavens and the...