I know sometimes it’s easy to think the division of our day has never happened before. As Ecclesiastes teaches us, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Mike Donehey sings about being “All Together” in his new song. I...
Trust is not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes we wrongly assign character to someone because of the actions of another. It would be a shame to assign character to God based on our interactions with people. In their song, “I Will Trust My...
It is a good habit to keep your “thankful antenna” up. Who are you thankful for? What are you grateful for? Chris Tomlin’s song “Thank You Lord” reminds us to be thankful for the simple things and the special people in...
Did you know God has a tone of voice? When He speaks to us, He comforts, encourages, or convicts with kindness. He offers the perfect balance of truth and grace. So if the voice inside your head has an accusing tone, then it’s not from your...
I love to talk about Jesus. There’s a lot to say about Him. If we spent our entire lives plumbing the depths of Scripture, we would never come to an end. This is why I love Anne Wilson’s new song, “My Jesus.” She gives me a...
What if you could have that ONE relationship where, no matter how bad you mess things up, the other One won’t let go? Our Heavenly Father offers us that stability and consistency we desperately want. Let’s learn more about our Father...
It’s easy to get swept away by our emotions when our environment changes. Circumstances don’t change God, but they may reveal Him to us in new ways. When We Are Messengers sing “Come What May,” I am reminded that I can rely...
There is a difference between complaining and lament. While bringing our complaints to the Father is part of the pattern of lament we discover in Scripture, it doesn’t end there. Alisa Turner offers us a song of lament similar in pattern to...
Worship is something I want to get right. What is the “Heart of Worship” that Matt Redman sings about — and is it right? God gets dibs on defining the type of worship that delights Him, don’t you agree? Let’s explore...
There’s a great invitation in Scripture. It’s sprinkled throughout the pages of the Bible in the Old and New Testaments. The invitation is to walk in the newness of life in our Creator’s very presence and direct opposition to our...