God grows beautiful things from the soil of suffering.
Our hope in the Lord is that He will draw near to us if we draw near to Him (see James 4:8). Seph Schlueter sings about drawing near to God in his song “Running Back to You.” But the song made me ask, “How do we get so far from God...
Is praising necessarily singing?
Our new way of life is IN Christ so we can be LIKE Christ and live FOR Christ while we AWAIT Christ.
A few years ago, my daughter raided our closet for a “vintage” windbreaker set for 90’s day during Homecoming week at school. (Don’t judge. I can’t be the only one who hordes old clothes.) While I hope color-blocking...
Who are your top five closest friends? Have you ever thought that those you spend the most time with determine your direction? And your direction determines your destination. When Consumed By Fire sings “Walk With Jesus,” we are reminded...
I love a good play on words. When you do a quick Google search of grave robbers, you discover it’s a worldwide phenomenon usually perpetrated to take and profit from valuable artifacts or personal property. Crowder’s song “Grave Robber”...
To count our blessings is to name them and acknowledge our gratitude for the good things God has blessed us with. Seph Schlueter sings of this in his song “Counting My Blessings,” and I use it to catapult us into the world of Jesus to...
Have you ever re-watched a movie yet felt anxious during that scene where the obstacle seems too great to overcome? You know the end. You understand the main character overcomes that obstacle because you’ve watched the movie before, but it...
How can you get out of the mental pit you’re in? If you do what Riley Clemmons did, you’ll get away with God and focus on HIS plans to strengthen you. Riley’s song, “Loved By You,” inspired me to spend some time in...