It doesn’t matter how thick the walls are to us; it only matters how thick the walls are to God. When Andrew Ripp sings of our fears coming down like Jericho walls in his song “Jericho,” I was inspired to study the story leading up...
Sitting in a dark room, even the flame from the smallest candle can invade. No wonder Isaiah describes the impact of Christ on our dark world as a “great light.” Inspired by We The Kingdom’s song “Light of the World,” I...
God is unlimited in His resources. I know this in my head, but for some reason I believe the lie that He will limit His mercy to me. As if one day I will reach my limit and get cut off. Micah Tyler in his song “New Today” reminds us of...
We live in the now and the not yet. So many promises of God are available to us now, but will be completely fulfilled in the future promise of the new heavens and new earth. Elevation Worship sings of God’s ultimate triumph in their song...
You know the saying, “There’s no going back?” Well, thank goodness that sentiment doesn’t apply to returning to the people and the ways of God. Our song this week by Cochren and Co. is “Church (Take Me Back)” and...
Don’t look back. Eliminate any possibility of retreat. That’s the message of For King and Country’s song, “Burn the Ships,” and that is the message of Paul to the Philippians. The new life set out before you and the...
When we were new parents we logged every aspect of our new baby’s life. Some family members mocked us, but for my husband and me it gave us a feeling of control — as if by writing it down we could influence the outcome. In his song...
We can hide behind convenient truth when things are swell, but when our feet are to the fire, the deep truth tends to come out. Will we be willing to log years of faithfulness such that our circumstances no longer define God’s ability or...
Passion. Zeal. Love. Light. These are all characteristics of my Savior, Jesus Christ. This passionate, zealous, loving, Light of the World comes into our hearts to drive out the darkness — not to condemn us, but to save us. This truth is...
I was raised to dream big. It is part of our culture to want the next generation to have more than we had. So, when I heard the challenge offered by Josh Wilson in his song “Dream Small,” I was inspired by the lyrics and this counter...