I had a student director in college who was a master at asking questions to get you to think. He said he learned it from Jesus in Scripture. I guess Jesus learned it from His Father. Natalie Grant asks a question in her song “Who Else”...
Worship is something I want to get right. What is the “Heart of Worship” that Matt Redman sings about — and is it right? God gets dibs on defining the type of worship that delights Him, don’t you agree? Let’s explore...
There’s a great invitation in Scripture. It’s sprinkled throughout the pages of the Bible in the Old and New Testaments. The invitation is to walk in the newness of life in our Creator’s very presence and direct opposition to our...
The Bible may be comprised of 66 books by 40 writers over 1,500 years, but it has one Author (God) and offers a grand storyline running throughout. In the song “Christ The True And Better” by Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Boswell, and...
Stale. Fake. Dead. Dying. Faded. Worthless. Delusional. There are all kinds of hope in this world, but believers in Christ are born again into a living hope. Phil Wickham’s song “Living Hope” leads us straight to Scripture, where...
A critical question is posed by an imposing angel in the throne room of God described in the book of Revelation, “Who is worthy to open the scroll?” Meredith Andrew’s song “Who Could” reminds us of this question, and...
Sometimes, we need a good reminder that this world is not our home. As Jordan Feliz sings about, there is a day coming when “Jesus Is Coming Back!” Knowing this should lead to eager anticipation in our lives and give us hope. Join me...
As a Christ-follower, it is my privilege to make much of God. My feelings, thoughts, and life should reflect Him and give evidence of His supreme greatness. That is, my life should magnify Christ, just like Cody Carnes sings about in his song...
As our trust in the Lord grows, our patience grows. We can rest in His timing because we can point to God’s faithfulness repeatedly in the accounts recorded in His Word. Not only that, but we have our own experiences we can point to in our own...
There’s a shortage of truth in the world today. Of course, the definition of truth seems to be up for grabs for some, but today, we’re talking about sincerity in action without pretense. Matthew West sings about this in his song...