God doesn’t look down from on high and say, “You shouldn’t feel this way.”
Write Scripture on your heart for when you need it.
Christ is holding it all together, so I can let go.
Growing up, my mom and stepdad used to listen to Paul Harvey. He was a radio broadcaster famous for telling “the rest of the story.” When Josiah Queen sings “The Prodigal,” I’m sure you’re thinking of the famous...
I need the reminder. I need the nudge. I get discouraged and feel the temptation to stop asking God for his __________________ (you fill in the blank). Matthew West exhorts us toward something the Bible says: “Don’t Stop Praying.”...
Family often marks the Christmas season. With family. Separated from family. Reminders of those no longer with us. Welcome gatherings. Harsh rejections. How are we supposed to navigate this season? What should we believe? What should we say? What...
Did you ever get separated from your parents as a child? It’s a terrifying experience as a mother to turn and realize your child has slipped away and is nowhere in sight. I’ve read stories where the child was so frightened they would...
What happens when our preference doesn’t line up with God’s preference? How can we even know God’s desires? I’ve asked these questions since I was introduced to Rachel Morley’s song “Preference.” Join me as...
The effects of sin are ravaging our world. Like the devastating locusts stripping the land bare in the book of Joel, we are stripped of meaningful worship owed to Father God. Let Andrew Ripp’s song “For The Love Of God” remind you...
I love singing God’s Words back to Him. That’s why Matt Maher’s song “The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)” is on my playlist! But the real joy for me was diving into Scripture inspired by this song. There’s...