Some troubles God uses to help us grow and develop endurance. There are obstacles in our lives, however, that we need to overcome…not just endure. Be sure that the message of Mandisa’s song “Overcomer” is one that you...
My daughter is in driver’s education this week, and after riding with her a few times I can confirm…you steer where you stare. As you become a more seasoned driver you may be able to take your eyes off of the road and not immediately...
Major decisions in life often determine our final destination. But what about our daily choices, like the attitudes we choose? For King and Country challenges us all in their song “joy.” to choose joy in the midst of trials. Of course...
God’s goodness is unfathomable. David tries to explain it in Psalm 36 with really big metaphors as a witness to the awe he feels when considering God. Similarly, Jordan Feliz’ song “Witness” calls us to testify to the virtues...
In our culture today, the idea of “freedom” is often seen as the license to do whatever you want. However, Scripture teaches us that we are bound like slaves to whatever we obey, whether sin or righteousness. Hillsong Worship reminds us...
God is our shelter — a safe place — an intimate, secret hiding place. He longs for us to dwell with Him there, not just use Him as a lean-to when the rain storm catches us off guard. Carrollton’s song “Shelter” sings of...
I discovered the difference between being “shamed” and being “ashamed” through my study this week. Abigail Duhon’s song, “I’m Not Ashamed,” leads us to Romans 1 and Paul’s famous declaration, ...
Sometimes we try to dress up sin to make it acceptable, or even worse, don’t address it at all. “Poison Tree” by Ghost Ship doesn’t play that game. The song describes the poisonous and ugly nature of sin while contrasting it...
Tragedy changes the way we see things. Most often in the midst of tragedy, what is MOST important rises to the surface. Unfortunately, that clarity is often temporary when the “new normal” takes over. Meredith Andrew’s song...
You are divinely loved. You need to get a grip on that because we have some very important tasks ahead of us as followers of Christ. Jordan Feliz’ song “Beloved” reminds us of this truth, and Scripture gives us clear...