I want the truth about God to be the soundtrack of my life. What we listen to matters and it changes the way we think. That’s why I am drawn to John Mark and Sarah McMillan’s song, “King Of My Heart.” It calls out the...
Helen Keller once said, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” This quote has been...
Mercy is one of those things that I want freely bestowed upon me, and yet I tend to be pretty stingy with mercy for others. God’s Word has wrecked me over the past few weeks as it relates to mercy. The Porter’s Gate Worship Project has a...
Did you know that you could actually hear the best news ever, and it is for you, and you could miss it? It happens all the time. MercyMe sings of the “Best News Ever” and inspired me to head into Scripture to see what we can do to make...
Maybe it’s too many Hallmark Movies, but I love it when the protagonist leans in and puts her head on the shoulder of the man she’s fallen in love with. In that act there is a sense of love, safety, and trust. In the song by The...
What we believe matters. It will impact how we think and how we live. In the song titled “The Way” by Pat Barrett, he sings of a fundamental belief that Christians hold — that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. As we...
You are not invisible. You are known. Tauren Well’s song “Known” sings about it and so does David in Psalm 139. When you let the truths of this Psalm sink into your being it will change you. Join me this week as we break it all...
I’ve always wondered how anyone who personally experienced the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead could just turn and live their lives as always — some actually allowing it to fuel their hate and rejection of Jesus as the...
Some troubles God uses to help us grow and develop endurance. There are obstacles in our lives, however, that we need to overcome…not just endure. Be sure that the message of Mandisa’s song “Overcomer” is one that you...
My daughter is in driver’s education this week, and after riding with her a few times I can confirm…you steer where you stare. As you become a more seasoned driver you may be able to take your eyes off of the road and not immediately...