It is a good habit to keep your “thankful antenna” up. Who are you thankful for? What are you grateful for? Chris Tomlin’s song “Thank You Lord” reminds us to be thankful for the simple things and the special people in...
Did you know God has a tone of voice? When He speaks to us, He comforts, encourages, or convicts with kindness. He offers the perfect balance of truth and grace. So if the voice inside your head has an accusing tone, then it’s not from your...
What if you could have that ONE relationship where, no matter how bad you mess things up, the other One won’t let go? Our Heavenly Father offers us that stability and consistency we desperately want. Let’s learn more about our Father...
There’s a great invitation in Scripture. It’s sprinkled throughout the pages of the Bible in the Old and New Testaments. The invitation is to walk in the newness of life in our Creator’s very presence and direct opposition to our...
The Bible may be comprised of 66 books by 40 writers over 1,500 years, but it has one Author (God) and offers a grand storyline running throughout. In the song “Christ The True And Better” by Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Boswell, and...
Sometimes, we need a good reminder that this world is not our home. As Jordan Feliz sings about, there is a day coming when “Jesus Is Coming Back!” Knowing this should lead to eager anticipation in our lives and give us hope. Join me...
There was a national crisis, and the king didn’t know what to do. At that moment, the king had choices. He could turn to his own wisdom, to the advisors of those around him, or any number of places for advice. In the Scripture inspired by Phil...
Is it possible to actively serve Christ and miss Him all at the same time? It sure is! I don’t want to miss Him, though. Cody Carnes’ song, “Nothing Else,” inspired me to consider what it looks like to sit at the feet of...
I love it when someone takes something complex and boils it down for me. Jesus does that when asked about the greatest commandment, and Danny Gokey sings about it in his song, “Love God Love People.” There’s no greater power than...
My daughter read “Animal Farm” in middle school. Luckily she had a teacher who could unpack the symbolism and interpret the text in such a way that she understood and enjoyed the Orwell classic. Sometimes it takes a little extra study to...