God grows beautiful things from the soil of suffering.
God’s Word is the only reliable weapon against the lies we hear daily.
“Hold on just a little bit longer” is the appeal Katy Nichole says God gives us in her song “Hold On.” Does God entreat us to hold on in Scripture? And if so, what are we to hold on to? And what does it look like when we let...
Putting first things first is a habit of highly effective people. But what are the “first things” for a follower of Christ? How does God rank the things you should be prioritizing above others? Let’s allow Scripture to mold how we...
In the beginning. These are the first words of two chapters of the Bible—one in the Old Testament and one in the New. These are also the opening lyrics to Anna Miriam Brown’s song “Was The Word” from her musical His Story The...
Reading familiar Scriptures from a fresh perspective helps God’s Word come alive for me. Katy Nichole’s Christmas song “O What A King” is sung from Mary’s perspective and caused me to revisit the details of...
Have you ever experienced deep darkness? I’m talking about the kind of darkness that envelops you so tightly it affects your breathing. That only begins to scratch the surface of the depth of darkness we are in without the light of Christ. In...
The original creation had a purpose that was marred and derailed by sin. Scripture teaches in Christ, we are a new creation. Mac Powell sings of it in his song, “New Creation.” It’s the perfect song to launch into God’s Word...
When Ben Fuller sings, “Making my Father proud looks a whole lot different now” in his new song “Proud,” he is ripping pages out of my story and laying them bare. I spent a lot of energy trying to please earthly men. What I...
There’s a phrase in the lyrics of Phil Wickham’s song “Hymn Of Heaven” that comes directly from Revelation — “death will be no more.” There are many things we don’t know about the new heavens and the...