Joseph was faced with a life-altering, gut-wrenching situation, yet he didn’t question when God spoke. Rather, Joseph trusted and obeyed. for King & Country inspired me to ponder the details of Joseph in the Christmas account through their song, “The Carol of Joseph (I Believe In You).”

Join me as we continue pondering the details of Christ’s birth.
In this episode, I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
- Repetition
- Remember, the people described in these accounts are real
- Make a list
- Observation
- Meditation
- The 30 Day Music Challenge – ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE
- Searching the Scriptures for what we can learn about Joseph
- How remembering the people described in the Bible were real helps Scripture come to life
- Making a list of times Joseph was mentioned or most likely present in documented events
- Looking back at Episode 149 to explore the genealogy of Christ
- The first mention of Joseph – Matthew 1:16
- Meditating on the emotional turmoil of Joseph during this time
- My friend Chris Syme’s new Bible study coming out –
- Considering the contrast of Moses’ response to the Lord in Exodus 3
What about you? Are you a “wake up and do what God said” kind of person or a “please pick someone else” kind of person?
Check out the Official Picture-Story Lyric Video of this week’s song below!
More Than a Song Playlist
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and chords
- What was a betrothal in biblical times? – Article
- Watch the fantastic Official Picture-Story Lyric Video Playlist – YouTube
Weekly Challenge
Use repetition, observation, and meditation to learn and consider more about Joseph. Compare and contrast Joseph’s recorded responses to the Lord with Moses in Exodus 3. Interact with God’s Word and while you do, ask yourself, “Will I be a ‘wake up and do what God said’ kind of person or a ‘please pick someone else’ kind of person?”