What if Lazarus never came out of the tomb? When Jesus made Lazarus alive again it wasn’t so that he could lie there wrapped in burial clothes, it was so he could walk in newness of life. The CAIN band sings of this in their song “Rise Up (Lazarus)”. We, too, are called to walk in newness of life.

Join me on a journey through the New Testament to explore what we are to “rise up” to do.
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
- Explore a theme/topic in Scripture
- Reading in context
- Following the cross-references
- Slowing down
- The 30 Day Music Challenge – ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE
- How we are dead in sin apart from Christ – Ephesians 2:1-10
- Considering ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus – Romans 6
- Dying to sin IN ORDER THAT we might walk in newness of life – Romans 6:4
- Slowing down in Romans 6 to see God’s grace, what’s on the other side of walking in newness of life, freedom, fruit, and eternal life in Christ
- Being crucified with Christ – Galatians 2:20
- Opposition to walking in newness of life – Galatians 5:16-25
- Putting off our old self – Ephesians 4:17-24
- Reading the story of Lazarus’ resurrection in John 11 in light of all we’ve studied
Check out the official music video of this week’s song below!
More Than a Song Playlist
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and chords – Essential Worship
- The story behind the song “Rise Up (Lazarus)” by CAIN – YouTube Video
- “What Does it Mean That a Christian is a New Creation?” – GotQuestions.org Article
This Week’s Challenge
Take the journey we took on this week’s podcast episode from death to life. Start in Ephesians 2, stop off in Romans 6 before heading to Galatians 2 and 5, and put on your new self in Ephesians 4. Once you have studied all of this, take in the story of Lazarus’ resurrection in John 11 — it will sparkle in new ways.