Oh, that I would make the mantra in the chorus of Chris Renzema’s song the TRUE mantra of my life. When I sing along with “I Don’t Wanna Go,” I put God in the driver’s seat. Too many times, however, I rush ahead of God and then ask Him to bless my efforts.
Let’s explore a time when King David got it right in 2 Samuel 7.
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
- Explore a theme/topic in Scripture
- Reading in context
- Following the cross-references
- The 30 Day Music Challenge – ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE
- Examples from our song of people NOT getting ahead of God
- David and the temple – 2 Samuel 7
- God’s ways not being our ways – Isaiah 55:8-9
- Israel on the shore of the Red Sea – Exodus 14
- Moses observing the promised land from the mountain top – Numbers 27 and Deuteronomy 34
- Peter on the mount of transfiguration – Matthew 17:1-9 and 2 Peter 1:16-21
- Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane – Matthew 26
- David wants to build a house for God
- God wants to build a house for David
- Solomon is slated to build the temple because David was a man of war – 1 Chronicles 22
- The things we see in this account that include”
- God’s sovereign will
- A link to the Abrahamic Covenant
- An introduction to the Davidic Covenant
- A link to our song
- An example of praying in God’s will by praying His words back to Him
- The confidence we can have when praying in the will of God – 1 John 5:14-15
Check out the official lyric video of this week’s song below!
More Than a Song Playlist
Additional Resources
- Chords – Garrett Nogan Video Tutorial
- Lyrics
This Week’s Challenge
Let this week’s song inspire you to explore the theme of following God’s lead in Scripture. Specifically, read the story of David wanting to build a temple for the Lord in 2 Samuel 7. Then follow the cross-references to 1 Chronicles 22 to learn why God would NOT allow David to build a temple to honor Him. You might even round out your time in God’s Word by observing the temple being built by Solomon in 2 Chronicles. I want you to know ALL the stories so that you can move from observing what the Bible says, to interpreting what it means, to finally applying the truth to your life and journey with Christ.