The invitation is out there. It’s been sent. Will you open it, read it, and toss it aside? Perhaps you’ll open it and put it on the fridge intending to respond “one day.” We The Kingdom sings the invitation to “come” in their song “God So Loved.”

Come, let us explore the call to follow and where it might lead.
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are:
- Complete a word study
- Study a theme of Scripture
- Read in context
- The 30 Day Music Challenge – ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE
- Completing a word study on the word “come” found in Matthew 11:28 –
- Using the word “come” as my study theme for the week
- 12 instances of the Greek word deute – “come and follow”
- Matthew 4:19
- Matthew 11:28
- Matthew 21:38
- Matthew 22:4
- Matthew 25:34
- Matthew 28:6
- Mark 1:17
- Mark 6:31
- Mark 12:7
- John 4:29
- John 21:12
- Revelation 19:17
- Coming to and following Jesus out of our weariness – Matthew 11:28-30
- The beginning of a great adventure for the disciples – Matthew 4:18-22
- How the call to come and follow isn’t always a righteous call – Matthew 21:33-46
- The invitation to the wedding feast that is an open invitation to us today – Matthew 22:1-14
- A recap of the reason why the invitation was opened up to Gentiles – Acts 13:44:-49
- How wearing our own self-righteousness will not cut it. God has provided the garment of salvation through clothing ourselves in the righteousness of Christ.
Check out the official music video on YouTube below.
More Than a Song Playlist
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and Chords – Worship Together
- Story Behind the Song “God So Loved” by We The Kingdom – YouTube Video
- A detailed discussion about the parable of the wedding feast –
This Week’s Challenge
First, if you have yet to accept the invitation to believe in Jesus as your personal Savior, accept it today! Then, explore 12 instances of “come” in the New Testament. They are listed in the show notes above. Remember, this word has a deeper meaning than just moving positions — it really means come and follow. Won’t you come and follow Jesus and lend an ear to what He might say to you through His Word today?