Don’t look back. Eliminate any possibility of retreat. That’s the message of For King and Country’s song, “Burn the Ships,” and that is the message of Paul to the Philippians. The new life set out before you and the priceless prize at the end of this race will be SO worth the risk of reducing your past to ashes.

Let’s explore what Paul has to say to the Philippians together.
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Read in context
- Listen to an audio version of Scripture
- Repetition
- Listen to various translations
- Consider the historical context
- Refer to an outside resource
- Follow the cross references
- Slow down
- Where the phrase “Burn the Ships” comes from –
- The story behind the song – YouTube Video
- The brazen decision eliminating any possibility of retreat – Philippians 3:13-14
- Reading Philippians in context in preparation for more detailed study
- The command and warning found in chapter 3 – Philippians 3:1-4
- The big summary idea — we are to put NO confidence in the flesh — which is the OPPOSITE of the prevalent message of the world today
- Paul’s list of “gain” – Philippians 3:4-6
- Slowing down and processing through Philippians 3:8-11
- Leading a “forgetting”, “pressing”, and “straining” kind of life – Philippians 3:12-14

If you’re not familiar with the song, you can watch the official music video on YouTube below.
Follow the More Than a Song 2019 playlist in Spotify…new songs added each week!
Additional Resources
- Lyrics – For King & Country Website
- Behind the song “Burn the Ships” by For King & Country – The Joy FM YouTube Video
- Take It or Die by Andy Andrews – YouTube Video
This Week’s Challenge
Read Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Listen to it a few more times in various translations. Then sit down, slow down, and really process what you’re reading. Maybe grab a friend and try to explain it to them. Ponder what you would put on your “gain” list. Ponder what you would put on your “everything else” list. Consider what you’re grasping tightly to (on either list) that you could let go so your hands are free to strain toward what is ahead.