Sometimes you’re in a battle, and sometimes you just feel like a weight is bearing down on you, immobilizing you. The King James Version of the Bible calls this a “spirit of heaviness.” The English Standard Version calls it a “faint spirit.” No matter the description that fits you best, our Savior has given us a great exchange. Michael W. Smith sings about it in his song, “Surrounded (Fight My Battles).”

Explore Isaiah 61 with me as put on the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness.
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Meditate
- Pray Scripture
- Write out Scripture
- Speak Scripture aloud
- Journal
- Follow the cross-references
- Make a list
- Michael W. Smith’s reference to Isaiah 61 in the opening of his song
- The terrible exchange of a spring of living water for a broken cistern in Jeremiah 2
- The glorious exchanges listed in Isaiah 61:1-3
- The proven battle plan of leading out in praise – 2 Chronicles 20
- Putting on the garment of praise through singing, speaking, journaling, praying and remembering
- My “Garment of Praise” playlist on Spotify – Spotify link
- Following the cross reference in Isaiah 61 to Luke 4:16-21
- Considering the giver of the garment of praise in Isaiah 61:3
- The expected result of this great exchange – Isaiah 61:3
- Considering being rooted in Colossians 2 and planted in Psalm 1
- How God’s greatest glory IS my greatest good
- Making a list of who “they” are that these gift are for
- Making a list of the expected accomplishments of the transformed “they”
- Another great exchange in Isaiah 61:7
- Our praise response in Isaiah 61:10-11
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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch the official music video on YouTube below.
Follow the More Than a Song 2019 playlist in Spotify…new songs added each week!
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and chords – Upperroom
- The story behind the song “Surrounded (Fight My Battles)” by Michael W. Smith – New Release Today article
This Week’s Challenge
Perhaps you are suffering from a faint spirit. Remember that Christ was anointed to bring you the good news and a gift…a garment of praise in exchange for your faint spirit. Read Isaiah 61 this week and explore all of the details it offers us while using the Episode 282 to give you the tools to do so. Put on the garment of praise this week. Ponder through singing, write out Scripture, speak out Scripture, incorporate Scripture into your prayers, and call out to God all that He has done for you.