
Podcast #272: “Scars” by I Am They

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

It’s the hardest experiences that often shape us the most. While they may be excruciating in the moment, when we persevere, these trials lead to greater character and hope. “Scars” by I Am They sings of this very phenomenon. May we be strengthened by our scars, not broken by them.

There is a man deeply scarred that you may have missed in the Old Testament. Let’s read about him together!

On this episode I discuss:

  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
    • Read the section headings to get your bearings
    • Compare and contrast
    • Read in context
    • Listen to an audio version of the Bible
    • Remember that the people described in the Bible were REAL
    • Follow cross references
  • How even (or especially) the painful parts of our lives often shape who we are today
  • When you’re challenged in Scripture don’t let it get you down, let it remind you that there is always more (and there is life and exciting revelation in the more)
  • Consulting a chart of kings in your study Bible or elsewhere to get your bearings (here’s a good one I found online)
  • A quick overview of how we got to the divided kingdom
  • Considering the life of Hezekiah like a good Cajun girl asking the question, “Who is your mom and dad?” (yes, I know bad grammar, but a good Cajun question all the same)
  • Comparing and contrasting Hezekiah with his father, Ahaz – 2 Kings 18:1-4, 2 Kings 16:1-4
  • Describing what it means for parents to pass their children through the fire – John Kitto
  • Reading Hezekiah’s story remembering that he was a REAL man with deep wounds and scars
  • How God uses our scars to benefit others – 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch the official music video on YouTube below.

Follow the More Than a Song 2019 playlist in Spotify…new songs added each week!

Additional Resources

This Week’s Challenge

Read Hezekiah’s story in context — start in chapter 16 of 2 Kings and read all the way through chapter 20. If you really get into the story, you could use the BITE of following the cross references (there’s a prophet in this story who has his very own book!). As you consider Hezekiah’s scars and how it may have shaped him, bring your own scars before the Father. Ask God how He wants to use your scars to make a difference in the generation He has placed YOU in.

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podcastEpisode 272