Mercy is one of those things that I want freely bestowed upon me, and yet I tend to be pretty stingy with mercy for others. God’s Word has wrecked me over the past few weeks as it relates to mercy. The Porter’s Gate Worship Project has a haunting ballad that has complemented my study as I worship with their song, “Have Mercy on Me.”

As we look intently into the mercy of God, may we better reflect it in our own lives.
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Use an outside resource – I used this excerpt from a book by Herman Bavinck
- Explore a topic
- Write out Scripture
- Slow down
- Make a list
- Complete a word study
- Being initially inspired by Psalm 18:25-27 that we first discussed on Episode #266
- How I need to see God’s mercy and so I need to learn to be merciful
- Bavinck’s definition, “The goodness of God, when shown to those in misery, is called mercy.”
- A great confession of the Old Testament – Exodus 34:6
- The results of mercy as found in Deuteronomy 4:31
- God’s great mercy despite our unfaithfulness – 2 Chronicles 30:9
- Contrasting God’s mercy to the ways of men in Psalm 86:15
- Realizing God’s mercy is what causes his wondrous works to be remembered as we see in Psalm 111:4 and as discussed on Episode #265
- Contrasting the attitude of men with the mercy of God in 2 Samuel 24:14 and Proverbs 12:10
- Completing a word study on three different words translated as mercy
- Mercy triumphs over judgement – James 2:13
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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch the official music video on YouTube below.
Follow the More Than a Song 2019 playlist in Spotify…new songs added each week!
Additional Resources
- Lyrics and music – Porter’s Gate Worship Project
- Story Behind the Porter’s Gate Worship Project – YouTube Video
This Week’s Challenge
Use the excerpt I found by Herman Bavinck to look up all of the Scripture references for yourself. Write out the Scriptures in your own handwriting. Perhaps even commit this confession to heart — “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”