The red letters in our Bibles highlight the words of Christ. In Crowder’s new song “Red Letters” he sings of the power of those words to change our hearts as the Holy Spirit breathes life into our spiritually dead bodies.

There are some pretty big ideas woven into this song. Let’s explore the Scriptural basis together.
On this episode I discuss:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Reading in context
- Referring to an outside resource
- Reading in a variety of translations
- Consulting all four gospel accounts
- The history of the Red Letter Bible – Article
- How this song reminds us of the Scriptural truth that we are born sinners, and God sent a Messiah to redeem and restore all things
- We are sinners not only by action and attitude but by nature – Ephesians 2:1-3
- Our destiny is hell without Jesus – John 3:35-36
- Christ’s arrest and crucifixion – John 18-19
- How the priests lost sight of their true role and thus missed the Messiah in their midst
- Connecting the “prison walls” in our song to the veil in the temple torn in two – Matthew 27:50-53
- The significance of the veil being torn in two – Article
- The miracle of the cancellation of our debt through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross – Colossians 2:13-14
Enjoy the official audio on YouTube below.
Listen to all the songs we’ve used on the podcast this year (and follow the playlist)…
Additional Resources
This Week’s Challenge
Sit in a larger chunk of Scripture by heading over to John 18 and 19 to review the details of Christ’s crucifixion. Consider what Christ nailed to the cross, as explained in Colossians 2:13-14, as you sing along with this week’s song. Read this article about the creator of the Red Letter Bible and his hope for you, the reader of God’s Word. Ponder the red letters of Christ’s words, the red thread of redemption woven throughout the Old and New Testaments, and the significance of the salvation and freedom offered through Christ’s sacrifice.