
Podcast #243: “The Way” by Pat Barrett

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

What we believe matters. It will impact how we think and how we live. In the song titled “The Way” by Pat Barrett, he sings of a fundamental belief that Christians hold — that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. As we explore the area of Scripture where this doxology originated we discover this belief is important in so many ways.

Join me as we meditate on the words of Christ and find comfort in the process.

On this week’s episode I discuss:

  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
    • Ask questions
    • Context
    • Section Titles
    • Word study
    • Consulting various translations
  • When it says, “Jesus answered,” asking, “Who did He answer and what was asked?” – John 14:6
  • Backing up and reading in context and using the section titles to help
  • Jesus is not making a social statement, He is comforting His disciples – John 14:1-6
  • Discovering why the disciples might need comforting
    • One of their own has left as a traitor – John 13:21-30
    • Jesus Himself has announced to them He is leaving – John 13:33
    • Peter, chief among the disciples,  is predicted to betray Jesus – John 13:38
    • Much less what is all about to happen
  • A quote by David Mathis: “Jesus as ‘the way’ is first about the comfort and peace and assurance of his followers. These are not first fighting words, but soul-quieting, heart-feeding truth. Comfort first, not controversy.” – Article at
  • What Scripture means when it uses the word “believe” – Word Study
  • Jesus is once again lifting our hearts to look out further toward our heavenly home
  • When we seek direction we have a solution…THE WAY


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Enjoy the official lyric video below.


Listen to all the songs we’ve used on the podcast this year (and follow the playlist)…

Additional Resources

This Week’s Challenge

Read John 13-14 to understand the context of Jesus’ profound I AM statement. He is the way, the truth, and the life. These words are meant as comfort to us just as they were to the original disciples. Then use this week’s song to declare your trust in our beloved Savior.

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