While our feelings are not reliable, solid evidence of God, the evidence of God in our lives has the power to impact our feelings. That’s what Caleb & John are singing about in their song “Hallelujah Feeling.” The Holy Spirit...
A Chinese friend complained to me about how difficult learning English can be. For example, he lamented that the English word for “trunk” could reference the back of a car, a box, a part of an elephant, or men’s swim shorts. Same...
It’s Christmas! This is a season for giving, and I’m sure you have given gifts to those you love and maybe even some you don’t even know. You have given the gift of your time, you have purchased gifts, and maybe even shared your...
Family often marks the Christmas season. With family. Separated from family. Reminders of those no longer with us. Welcome gatherings. Harsh rejections. How are we supposed to navigate this season? What should we believe? What should we say? What...
Did you ever get separated from your parents as a child? It’s a terrifying experience as a mother to turn and realize your child has slipped away and is nowhere in sight. I’ve read stories where the child was so frightened they would...
I don’t particularly appreciate feeling limited and weak. I’m not too fond of it when what is required of me exceeds my qualifications. I prefer feeling capable and in control. Unfortunately, this preference of mine runs directly opposed...
Have you ever loved a song and found that learning its story made it even more meaningful? That happened to me this week. I was inspired to study Psalm 34 after listening to “Trust In God” by Elevation Worship. Only the story behind the...
Something is keeping us from being a light in our world. A question asked in for KING+COUNTRY’s song “What Are We Waiting For?” inspired me to explore what the Bible says about light and our identity as Christ followers to be light...
I see a lot of conversation in the media about positive self-talk. And I get it. Talking negatively about yourself to yourself is not helpful. Inspired by Micah Tyler’s song “Praise The Lord,” I meditated on King David’s self...
“Hold on just a little bit longer” is the appeal Katy Nichole says God gives us in her song “Hold On.” Does God entreat us to hold on in Scripture? And if so, what are we to hold on to? And what does it look like when we let...