
Podcast #178: “Forgiven” by Crowder

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I’m Michelle Nezat and I hope to inspire you to discover and meditate on God’s Word through the songs you’re listening to on the radio.

The Bible is rich with characters we can identify with. While individually we are unique, as a human race we often struggle with similar sins and responses. I am encouraged by the words of Crowder’s song “Forgiven,” and am even more encouraged by the truths in Scripture it leads us to examine.

There is not a sin you struggle with that has not beset many before you. In spite of our ability to sin in all sorts of ways with great regularity we stand FORGIVEN.

On this episode I discuss:

  • Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week’s Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
    • Reading in context
    • Repetition
    • Meditation
    • Remember the characters in the story are REAL
  • Creating a possible backstory for the centurion who nailed Jesus to the cross – Luke 23:44-47
  • The art piece that inspired co-writer Edmond Martin Cash – “Forgiven” by Thomas Blackshear
  • The story behind the song as told by both Crowder and Cash – YouTube Video
  • How our lyrics point specifically to Peter and his denial of Christ
  • How Peter had already received the revelation that Jesus was the Christ – Matthew 16:15-17
  • The warning that it is possible for us to have deep fellowship with Christ and still come to a moment in our walk where we would deny we ever even knew Him
  • The second criminal on the cross who cried out for mercy – Luke 23:32-43
  • Jesus’ intercession for all of us – Luke 23:34


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If you have never heard this song before, you can watch to the official music video on YouTube below.

Additional Resources

Download the single or the entire album by clicking the link below.

This Week’s Challenge

Read Luke 22-24. Our focus verses are right in the middle of this context, but reading in context is an important habit. Perhaps read the same account in the other three gospels as well. Consider the three men we talked about on today’s podcast; the centurion who nailed Jesus to the cross, Peter, and the criminal who cried out for mercy on the cross next to Jesus. Remember that they were real and consider characteristics seen in them that we can see in ourselves. Finally, remember you are forgiven. Not because you have done or could do anything to deserve it, but because it is freely given by Jesus himself.

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podcastEpisode 178