
I was gripped from the opening chapter.

“A well-told story is a gift. A reminder that God’s Word is our most solid foundation is an even greater gift. In A Seat at the Table, Michelle has given us both. I was gripped from the opening chapter. I was challenged – and encouraged – by every chapter that followed. After reading the last paragraph, I immediately thought of several people I need to give copies to. Simply put: Read it…then share it.”

Keith Ferrin, Speaker, Your Bible Coach on YouTube, and the author of several books, including How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible and the Scripture Journey series of Bible studies. 

sign up for the 30 day music challenge

Change Your Music…Change Your Life

Music is a powerful art form. Not only does it become the soundtrack of our lives, but it can affect the way we think and view the world. My free 30-day music challenge walks you through listening exclusively to Christian music for 30 days.

Don’t Just Read Your Bible… Interact With It

Use this one-page resource of my top-five BITEs (Bible Interaction Tool Exercises) to take your time in God’s Holy Word to the next level.

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Bible Interaction Worksheets

I create one-page worksheets to complement my podcast episodes from time to time. They offer a hands-on approach to implementing the Bible Interaction Tool Exercises (BITEs) I discuss on the podcast. This is the complete archive all in one place!

I’ve been creating new podcast episodes since 2014, taking songs that are playing on the radio and pointing listeners back to God’s Word. I pray daily that God will give me an unreasonable desire for His Word, leading to an unsurpassable relationship with Him.

More Than a Song is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to helping you discover the truth of Scripture hidden in today’s popular Christian music.

My goal is to teach you to connect God’s Word with the songs you’re singing along with on the radio, to help you meditate on Truths that will transform your way of thinking and, ultimately, your life.

Listener Testimonials

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I was initially drawn to this site due to my appreciation of Christian Contemporary Music. I soon learned it was much more than just music. Michelle’s in-depth discussions of a myriad of biblical messages are superb. Just an excellent presentation. It has become my favorite podcast. Thank you Michelle Nezat for all the work you put into this inspired teaching.


I love how she breaks down the Word in “BITE” size portions! If you are looking for a podcast that helps you understand and read your Bible look no further!!!


It’s sooooooo much more! For years I’ve tried to tell people that it’s more! More than a song, more than a sermon, more than words on a page. It’s about God and getting to know Him. He alone is worthy of our worship and time. It’s not about the song, it’s about how the song touches our hearts and draws us close to our Creator. It is a tool to help us deeply know Him…Thanks for helping us all to take a B.I.T.E. out of life. Listening to your podcast and taking the 30-Day Challenge has enriched my relationship with Him.

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